/> 7th Bebington Scout Group Things To Do At Camp ⋆ 7th Bebington Scout Group

Things To Do At Camp

Scouting Skills
• Name the parts of an Axe
• Name the parts of a Knife.
• Demonstrate the correct use of a knife, axe and saw.
• Demonstrate how to collect wood, cut it to size and store it.
• Demonstrate the correct way to light a match
• Lay out and light a cooking fire
• Lay out and light a camp fire
• Demonstrate how to pack a rucksack for an overnight hike
• Demonstrate how to light a Paraffin lamp
• Demonstrate how to change the mantle in a Paraffin or Gas lamp (when required)
• Memorise the phonetic alphabet
• Write a message in Morse Code
• Tell a joke in semaphore.
• Tell another joke in Morse Code
• Write an appropriate prayer in time for the Scouts’ Own.
• Write and recite a prayer at morning or evening flag.
• Recite the Scout Promise and the Scout Law as a patrol at inspection.
• Identify six map signs.
• Identify another six map signs.
• Draw twenty Ordinance Survey map symbols. Hold a test amongst your patrol.
• Design and play a game of map symbol bingo. Each card should have at least twenty symbols.
• Give the compass bearing of six objects from the flagpole.
• Count to ten in a foreign language.
• Teach a member of your patrol how to do any 6 of of the above
Things to Make
• A whistle from natural materials.
• A tent peg
• A turkshead woggle
• A woggle out of natural materials found on site. It must last at least three days.
• A Woggle other than those above
• A lantern
• A rope ladder and use it to climb into a tree
• A water purification system that will turn a glass of squash into pure water.
• A fire alarm. Hold a fire drill for your patrol, making sure they are aware of fire protocol
and the fire fighting devices available to them.
• A flag for your patrol site.
• A perimeter intruder alarm for your site out of string and tin cans.
• A set of wind chimes and hang them from your dining shelter, etc.
• A string telephone for communication across the site, from your patrol tent to an amenity of
your choice.
• An aerial railway for sending small boxes between all the tents on the site without going
• A useful accessory for a leader’s vehicle.
• A device to sort/sieve different sized stones.
• A survival pack and explain its contents to a leader.
• An emergency waterproof.
• Emergency toothpaste for the patrol to clean their teeth with. (Hint: 1 tsp. salt: 1 tsp.
bicarbonate of soda.)
• A stretcher. Carry a member of your patrol to the first aid tent.
• A water purification system that will turn a glass of squash into pure water.
• A pair of snow blindness goggles.
• Nettle soup or tea.
• The smallest underwear in the world.
• A washing line for the smallest underwear in the world.
• False pony tails for the entire patrol.
• A hot air balloon that can rise to one metre above ground level.
• A kite that can fly for three minutes
• A Rocket that can travel over a 2 meter bar 5 metres away
• A game of skittles or table skittles.
• A Swing ball game
• A swing ball game with a bucket of water
• A bow and arrow and demonstrate it
• A replica of the Jules Rimet trophy at least two feet tall using natural materials.
• A game of blow football.
• An assault course with 6 incidents and have a camp competition
• An indian fire
• An instrument to measure wind direction and speed and use it to record the wind direction and
speed for four days.
• A working sundial.
• A barometer and use it to measure the air pressure for four days.
Practical Things To Do
• Construct a recycling facility. Collect all your recyclable waste for at least four days and
design and make a can crushing machine.
• Decide which five Proficiency Badges interest each Scout in your patrol. Prepare a display of
your results. Which is the most popular badge in your patrol? Prepare a ten-point plan
describing how, on your return to your troop, you will obtain this badge.
• Design a new Proficiency Badge. Your design must include a drawing of what the badge will look
like and describe what you must do to get it.
• Write and send a postcard home (every patrol member, to arrive by Friday).The Leaders will post
them for you.
• Design a Scout uniform for the millennium.
• Estimate the height of a given object.
• Submit a complete set of British Coins.
• Plan an night’s activity for when you return to your troop. It must include times, resources
required, drafts of letters, etc.
• Calculate how many tent pegs are used on site. Present your report to a leader for checking.
• Carry out a Safety inspection of the campsite. and present your findings to the leaders.
• Waterproof a box of matches
• Make a set of firelighters (Cotton wool+Vaseline, fluff+candle wax)
Fun Things To Do
• Camouflage your PL so that he cannot be seen among trees
• Cut a piece of A4 paper so that the whole patrol can walk through it. No joins!
• Dress up as a sheep.
• Fit as many items as you can in a small matchbox.
• Fit as many things as you can in a film canister.
• Fit as many things as you can in a large matchbox.
• Fit as many things as you can into a patrol box
• Hold a wellie throwing competition amongst your patrol, complete with trophy for the winner.
• Do a scavenger hunt around the site. You must find twenty separate objects to gain the points.
Find something: prickly, smooth, belonging to an animal, soft, hard, smelly, tiny, flat,
tickley, squishy, flaky, crackley, somebody else has dropped, that shouldn’t be here, long,
natural and edible, rough, round, orange, wet, sharp
• Stand your whole patrol on a sheet of A4 paper.
• Dress the entire patrol back-to-front in full uniform for flag break.
• Using a tin can and candle, prepare mini pancakes or omelettes for the entire patrol.
• Have a time trial for which patrol can tow the same log 100M using a timber hitch.
• Learn to play the card game “Solo”
Nature Things To Do
• Make a wormery.
• Create a miniature garden in bowl, etc.
• Humanely capture a woodlouse, beetle, worm, caterpillar, slug and snail. Show a leader and then
return them to where they came. Any abuse will lead to all marks being deducted.
• Identify six trees.
• Collect six leaves and name them.
• Identify basic cloud types and the weather associated with them.
• Recognise the following constellations : Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Lyra,
Aquila, Delphinus
• Recognise the following stars : Deneb, Vega, Altair
• Make a star chart for identifying at least 5 constellations
• Build an accurate model of the Solar System using spherical objects. Hang it from your dining
shelter, etc.
First Aid
• Demonstrate the recovery position on an “unconscious” member of your patrol.
• Use a Triangular bandage, for two type of sling.
• Use a Triangular bandage, for a knee bandage.
• Use a Triangular bandage, for a hand bandage.
• Demonstrate an improvised sling (without using your neckerchief)
• Make a simulated injury using play dough and any other suitable materials.
• Demonstrate the two handed lift on a member of your patrol
Camping Badge
• Have camped under canvas with a Troop or Patrol for a total of not less than 15 nights.
• Pitch and strike a hike tent.
• Direct successfully the pitching and the striking and packing of a Patrol tent.
• Show what to look for when choosing a campsite.
• Show how to set out a campsite.
• Demonstrate good hygiene practise in camp-neg.
• Demonstrate how to store food in a quartermaster’s tent.
• Make a camp larder
• Make a camp oven and use it to bake potatoes or a loaf of bread
• Make two other gadgets of your own choice (Suggestions below).
• At a camp, cook for yourself and at least one other either a hot breakfast meal or a dish
for a main meal which must include two vegetables.
• Have a good knowledge of the book “Scout Camping”.
Camp Gadgets
• Make a grease trap
• Make a sleeping bag airing line
• Make a drying line for use in wet weather
• Make a woodpile for keeping the wood dry and off the ground
• Make a boundary fence
• Make a camp broom
• Make a plate rack
• Make a mug tree
• Make a camp dresser
• Make and demonstrate a camp shower.
• Make a rainwater collection device.
• Make effective guttering for your tent or dining shelter.Camp Cook Badge
• Demonstrate proper storage and cooking under camp conditions.
• Demonstrate knowledge about food poisoning and hygiene in the camp kitchen.
• Cook without utensils, but using foil, a two-course meal for yourself and at least one
other person.
• Know where to shop for food and how to transport it.
• Cook a breakfast
• Cook Main Course
• Cook a sweet
• Draw up two menus (including quantities ) of three courses each for a patrol of six.
Rope Craft
• Demonstrate and know the uses of a Sheet Bend, Clove Hitch, Round turn and two half hitches,
Bowline, Timber Hitch and Sheepshank.
• Splice the end of a rope
• Produce an eye splice
• Splice two pieces of rope together
• Demonstrate a West Country or Simple Whipping.
• Demonstrate the correct way to coil a rope.
• Tie as many knots as possible in a given length of rope (at the same time).
• Demonstrate twenty different knots and explain their uses.
• Make a knot board displaying at least ten different knots using string or twine.
• Teach a member of your patrol 2 of the above skills
• Understand the need for supervision and safety in pioneering projects.
• Demonstrate and know the uses of Square Lashing
• Demonstrate and know the uses of Sheer Lashing.
• Build a flagpole.
• Make a bench
• Make a gateway
• Make an automatic candle snuffer
• Make a mousetrap
• Make a hammock
• Demonstrate the use of simple blocks and tackle.
• Demonstrate the use of levers to extract or move heavy weights.
• Take part in building a pioneering model.
• Take part in constructing an outdoor pioneering project.
• Build and demonstrate an automatic camp-fire extinguisher.
• Construct a device which will accurately measure one minute.
• Devise a method for all your patrol to safely cross point ‘x’ on the river together,
allowing only the PL to get wet.
• Make a flag pole at least four metres high. Hold a patrol flag break.
• Make a coracle and float in it.
• Make a model coracle and float it.
• Make a monkey bridge for ants.
• Make the highest possible death slide for a soft toy, etc.
• Sketch the campsite.
• Draw an object, to be chosen by a leader
• Draw an illustration from a story
• Any 3 from below during the camp
• Draw an detailed map of the site showing all tents, patrols and amenities.
• Draw an easily understandable access map for the site so visitors/emergency services
can find you.
• Design a logo for this year’s camp-neg.
• Draw a view from the campsite.
• Design a patrol sign
• Make a patrol plaque.
• Make a camp sign post
• Draw a camp cartoon.
• Sketch a District or County Badge other than ours (who are on this camp site).
• Produce a drawing in charcoal.
• Erect a camp scarecrow on your patrol site.
• Produce a Patrol News-sheet for the week. To be submitted at flagbreak on Friday morning.
• Display your patrol’s “Landscape Art” made from natural materials
• Make some play dough and model a leader of your choice.
• Make a papier maiche model of a leader of your choice.
• Use natural materials to paint/make a portrait of a leader.
Backwoods Skills
• Build a bivouac to sleep the entire patrol.
• Camp for a night in a bivouac.
• Cook without utensils.
Observers Badge
• Complete KIM’S GAME
• Complete sound recognition challenge.
• Give an accurate report of an incident lasting not less than one minute and involving three
persons. This report, verbal or written, must include a full description of one of the persons
involved, selected by the examiner.
• Make six plaster casts of the tracks of birds, animals, car or bicycle. All casts are to be
taken unaided and correctly labelled with the date and place of making. Two at least should be
of wild birds or animals.
• Follow a trail two kilometres in length containing approximately 40 signs made of natural
materials. The route should be over unfamiliar ground. Roads may be crossed but not followed.
• Prepare a sketch for the campfire     
• Perform your patrol’s tribal sundance.
• Perform a “Scouts on Stilts”
• Write a list of twenty General knowledge questions
• Write a list of twenty Scouting Knowledge questions
• Write words and perform a song that includes everyone’s name.
• Write a limerick that begins; “The was a young lady from Yorkshire”
• Hold a whole-patrol human pyramid for 20 seconds.
• Write, practice and perform a skit or stunt for the rest of the camp at flag break, etc.